Join the INRC
Why join the community?
Understand neuromorphic computing and its potential to transform technology.
Use Loihi 2 Systems to evaluate industry applications and conduct pioneering research.
Shape the future of AI and and brain-inspired tech with high-impact publications and community presentations
For a deep dive on the INRC and the research vectors it supports, you can review the most recent INRC Request for Proposals (RFP). Please note that the RFP is closed for funding at this time, but the information on research priorities is still highly relevant for researchers exploring Intel Loihi 2.
If you have questions about any of the steps below or about the INRC, contact the INRC Team.
Steps to join the INRC
1. Choose Member Category
The INRC offers the following types of membership based on your research goals and type of organization.
Research Member - PI:
To apply, you should be a permanent employee of an established research organization, such as a university, corporate or government lab. You must submit a project proposal to use Loihi 2. Approved proposals will receive access to neuromorphic hardware to conduct their project.
To become a Research Member, continue to Step 2 below.
New team member? To add a member to an existing project, the PI should email with the full name and email for the new member.
Affiliate Member:
Open to members of the research and technology ecosystem. Affiliates participate in INRC events, learn, and share their expertise. Affiliates do not have access to Intel neuromorphic technology, so this category is most appropriate for theoretical researchers, analysts, and others who wish to participate in the community in a non-technical role.
2. Prepare Project Plan
To join the INRC as a Research Member, Intel requires a sufficiently detailed project proposal to evaluate the impact and likelihood of success. We recommend you use the INRC Proposal Template.
We also encourage research members to fill out the INRC Algorithm Assessment or INRC Application Assessment where appropriate. These brief questionnaires help clarify the impact of neuromorphic research projects.
INRC Affiliates do not need to submit a project plan.
3. Submit Application
Submit application and proposal here:
4. Execute Participation Agreement
When your application is approved, Intel will contact your organization to sign an INRC Participation Agreement. The agreement is a standard legal document that provides you a license to use Intel hardware and software for the proposed research.
View the University and Government Agreement
Contact to request a copy of the Corporate Agreement
5. Get involved!
Join us at the next INRC Forum, attend the INRC Workshops, and meet your fellow community members. Depending on your goals, here are a few of the steps you might take:
Need to review Loihi-specific documentation? Check your inbox for an invitation to Confluence, then head over to
Want to check out other INRC projects and prior work? Join us at and don’t forget to for your project.
Ready to jump into building your own models?
Grab the latest code at GitHub - lava-nc/lava
Read the docs at