Lava Deep Dive

Lava Deep Dive


@Andreas Wild (Intel)


Sumit Bam Shrestha (Intel)

@Philipp Stratmann (Deactivated) (Intel)
Danielle Rager (Intel)
@Mathis Richter (Intel)
@Carlo Michaelis (University of Göttingen)

Fredrick Rothganger (Sandia National Lab)


Learn how to leverage Lava’s algorithm libraries for application development and how to program in Lava targeting Loihi or CPU backends including an overview Lava's architectural concepts.

Lava community contributions:

  • Brian2Lava - Connecting Brian to Lava: Brian2Lava enables to define computational neuroscience models using the Brian2 syntax and to simulate these models using Lava. Thereby, the package facilitates the use of all Lava-supported hardware systems, including Loihi 1 and Loihi 2, for neuroscientific research.

  • Fugu2Lava -- Fugu is a spiking neural algorithm builder. It takes groups of spiking neurons, called "bricks", and assembles them into larger applications. Currently this supports Loihi 1 as a backend, and will add Lava to offer broader hardware support.


8:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CET
Wednesday, April 20th


New Tools for a new Era of Neuromorphic Computing


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