Neuromorphic Robotics with Loihi 2

Neuromorphic Robotics with Loihi 2


@Philipp Stratmann (Deactivated)


Neuromorphic hardware is expected to be a key enabler for robotic edge devices due to its high speed, power efficiency, and adaptability. Now that the first Loihi 2 chips are being shipped to partners, this workshop will provide inspiration for new capabilities that Loihi 2 may enable in your embodied systems. A range of research talks from INRC members will show the latest progress on realizing the promises that Loihi 2 brings for high-performant robots.


6:45 PT / 9:45 ET / 15:45 CET
Friday, July 21st, 2023

Session plan:

Welcome & Motivation @Philipp Stratmann (Deactivated) (Intel)

How Neuromorphic Computing Can Assist Shipboard Robot Assistants @Ed Lawson (US Naval Research Lab)

Neuromorphic Quadratic Programming for Efficient and Scalable Model Predictive Control @Ashish Rao Mangalore (Deactivated) (Intel)

Neuromorphic Sensing and Control in Subterranean Environments @Akshit Saradagi (Lulea UT)

Closed-Form Control with Spike Coding Networks Pablo Lanillos (Donders Institute for BCB)

Neuromorphic Visual Odometry with Resonator Networks @Alpha Renner (ETH Zurich)


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