Blog from March, 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 @ 8:00-9:00am PT / 17:00-18:00 CET you are invited to attend an INRC Forum talk from Prof. Arto Nurmikko, Brown University.

Efficient Decoding of Multipoint Spiking Events Recorded by A Network of Wireless Biosensors

Abstract: Our lab is developing tools for brain-machine interfaces using a concept of spatially distributed wireless microsensors, "neurograins" implanted in a functional cortical area of interest (motor, auditory, visual). When a given sensor detects a spiking event, the signal is immediately sent to an external radio-frequency receiver as a binary "1". Thus, for a network of thousand neurograins, one goal of an ongoing research project, the received data at the external detector is a stream of spikes in which the cortical computations of interest are embedded. Based on our work on smaller ensembles (hundred neurograins), we have discovered a major computational bottleneck in detecting and decoding signals for large ensembles of neurograins for a real-time (wearable/portable brain-interface systems. In this work, we explore and apply the Loihi platform to integrate the demodulation (time-series correlation) and neural population decoding (spike-timing based model) steps into one parallel process.


Prof. Arto Nurmikko is a L. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering and Physics at Brown. He recived his degrees from University of California, Berkeley, and did postdoctoral work at the Hebrew University (Jerusalem) and MIT. Prof. Nurmikko’s research spans the areas of neuroengineering, photonics, microelectronics, nanosciences, and the translation of device research to new technologies in physical and life science applications. Currently, his research interests are focused on implantable neural interfaces.


For the recoding of the meeting, see the /wiki/spaces/forum/pages/1899790337 (accessible only to INRC Affiliates and Engaged Members).

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Tuesday, March 28, 2023 @ 8:00-9:00am PDT / 17:00-18:00 CET you are invited to attend an INRC Forum talk from Dr. Garrett Kenyon, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Sparse Coding with Locally Competitive Algorithm on Loihi 2


Garrett T. Kenyon received the BA degree in physics from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 1984 and the MS and PhD degrees in physics from the University of Washington in Seattle in 1986 and 1990, respectively. He received further postdoctoral training at the Baylor College of Medicine, Division of Neuroscience, and at the University of Texas Medical School, Houston, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy. He has been a staff member in the Biological and Quantum Physics group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory since 2001. His research interests involve the application of computer simulations and theoretical techniques to the analysis of computation in biological neural networks.

Meeting Recording:

For the meeting recording, see the full /wiki/spaces/forum/pages/1899790337 (accessible only to INRC Affiliates and Engaged Members).

If you are interested in becoming a member, here is the information about joining the INRC.

The Intel Neuromorphic DNS Challenge is a unique opportunity to advance state-of-the-art neuromorphic algorithms research and win up to $55,000 of prize money.
You need not be an INRC member to participate in this challenge, however you will need to join in order to develop solutions for Track 2, see below. Kick-off presentation and recording from the March 21, 2023 INRC Forum session is available below.

The Intel Neuromorphic Deep Noise Suppression (N-DNS) Challenge

A critical enabler for progress in neuromorphic computing research is challenge problems with real-world relevance, full-system evaluations, and state-of-the-art reference solutions. Thus, to help foster neuromorphic innovation, we introduce the Intel Neuromorphic Deep Noise Suppression Challenge (Intel N-DNS Challenge). The Intel N-DNS Challenge is inspired by the Microsoft DNS Challenge and tackles a ubiquitous and commercially relevant task: real-time audio denoising. Audio denoising is likely to reap the benefits of neuromorphic computing due to its low-bandwidth, temporal nature and its relevance for low-power devices.

The Intel N-DNS Challenge has two tracks: a simulation-based track to encourage algorithmic innovation, and a neuromorphic hardware track to rigorously evaluate solutions on Loihi 2. Both tracks are evaluated based on energy, latency, and resource consumption in addition to output audio quality. We provide dataset scripts and evaluation code, and we release a neuromorphic baseline solution with promising audio quality, high power efficiency, and low resource consumption compared to Microsoft NsNet2 and a production Intel denoising model. We also present $55k in total prizes to the winners. We hope the winners of the N-DNS challenge will demonstrate that for problems like audio denoising, significant gains in power and resource efficiency can be realized on neuromorphic systems.

Announcement Presentation

[INRC Forum] 2023 Spring Series-20230321_080023-Meeting Recording.mp4

For more information:

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 @ 8:00-9:00am PT / 16:00-17:00 CET you are invited to attend an INRC Forum talk from Prof. Thomas Nowotny, University of Sussex.

Loss shaping enhances exact gradient learning with EventProp in Spiking Neural Networks

Abstract: In a recent paper Wunderlich and Pehle (2021) introduced the EventProp algorithm that enables training spiking neural networks by gradient descent on exact gradients. In this talk I will present extensions of EventProp to support a wider class of loss functions and an implementation in the GPU enhanced neuronal networks framework (GeNN) which exploits sparsity. The GPU acceleration allows us to test EventProp extensively on more challenging learning benchmarks. We find that EventProp performs well on some tasks but for others there are issues where learning is slow or fails entirely. We have discovered that the problems relate to the exact gradient of the loss function not providing information about loss changes due to spike creation or spike deletion. Depending on the details of the task and loss function, descending the exact gradient with EventProp can lead to the deletion of important spikes and so to an inadvertent increase of the loss and decrease of classification accuracy and hence a failure to learn. In other situations, the lack of knowledge about the benefits of creating additional spikes can lead to a lack of gradient flow into earlier layers, slowing down learning. We are trying to overcome these problems in the form of `loss shaping', where we introduce a suitable weighting function into an integral loss to increase gradient flow from the output layer towards earlier layers. I will show example result for the Spiking Heidelberg Digits and sequential spiking MNIST where we achieve (close to) state-of-the-art performance.


Prof. Thomas Nowotny has a background in theoretical physics. After his PhD from Leipzig University in 2001 he started working in Computational Neuroscience and bio-inspired AI at the Institute for non-linear Science at UCSD. He is now a Professor in Informatics at the University of Sussex and the head of the AI research group. His interests include olfaction, hybrid systems, spiking neural networks and their efficient simulation, bio-inspired AI and algorithms for neuromorphic computing.

Meeting recording:

For the meeting recording, see the full /wiki/spaces/forum/pages/1899790337 (accessible only to INRC Affiliates and Engaged Members).

If you are interested in becoming a member, here is the information about joining the INRC.

At the core of neuromorphic computing are spiking neurons as the computational unit. It turns out that deep networks of spiking neurons can be trained using the workhorse of modern AI, deep learning’s backpropagation algorithm, to provide workloads that are natively suited to exploit the efficiency and latency advantages of neuromorphic chips.

In this article, I will describe one of the key challenges in training deep spiking neural networks (SNNs): the spike function and its derivative, how the ill-defined spike function derivative hinders backpropagation training, and the ways to circumvent this problem. Let's take a tour of what, why, and how of the spike function and its derivative.

This blog focuses on one of the technical fundamentals of training deep SNNs. It is useful to understand to get a better intuition of what is happening during deep SNN training, but not absolutely necessary to start training deep SNNs.

1. Brief introduction

What are spiking events?

Biological neurons communicate with a brief impulse of charge. We call these events spikes. Spikes are sparse events in time. The neurons only communicate information when needed and the brief impulse helps the spiking event stand out. This is how evolution has found a way to communicate effectively in an inherently noisy pool of ionic interaction. It is debatable whether these events carry magnitude or whether the precise timing of spikes is key. However, it is certain that sparse message passing is the currency of information exchange in the brain.

Formally a spiking event can be represented as

where t(blue star) is the time of the spike and a(blue star) (typically 1) is the magnitude or payload of the spike.

Now, what is exciting about these spikes? It is sparse message-passing paradigm makes the brain very efficient. The human brain uses a mere 20 W. Now that's nothing compared to KWs of power consumed by current-day AI systems. Yet, the brain is a far more versatile system. In neuromorphic computing, we try to take cues from the brain to build efficient yet versatile systems. Spike-based messaging is a key property here.

Spiking neurons and the spike function

Spiking neurons are defined as the formal model of a biological neuron. They are the non-linear component of SNNs similar to the activation functions like ReLU, tanh, sigmoid (σ), etc., in standard Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). They have the following key properties:

  • They have internal dynamics in their states u(t).

    (blue star) is the neuron dynamics. The temporal dynamics and statefulness are distinct features of a spiking neuron.

  • They respond with spikes. A spiking event occurs when a certain criterion is met. We call it spike condition. Typically, a spike condition marks the point when the neuron’s internal state exceeds a threshold.

    (blue star)​(⋅) is the spike function that we are curious about.
    (blue star)(⋅) is the Heaviside step function.

Neuron dynamics is, perhaps, a topic for a separate blog. Here we will focus on the spike function. Some of the typical examples of spike functions are:

  • Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron: the neuron spikes when its voltage, u, exceeds a threshold, ϑ.

  • Resonate and fire neuron: the neuron spikes when its complex state z = u+iv exceeds a threshold, ϑ, when its phase is 0.

2. Spiking neuron meets backpropagation

It is well known that error backpropagation is the key supervised learning algorithm that has enabled highly scalable training of modern deep ANNs and the explosion of progress in AI over the past decade. We would like to apply backpropagation to train networks of spiking neurons to achieve similar functional breakthroughs in a way that reaps the benefits of efficient sparse message passing in neuromorphic computing. Whether or not backpropagation exists in the brain, this training approach might help us take a step towards realizing the versatility of the natural brain with spiking neural networks.

The error backpropagation algorithm fundamentally involves calculating gradients in a network’s parameter space that point in the direction of lower task error. For a deep network, this means that the derivative of neuron output activities must be computed layer by later backwards, starting from the network’s output, using the chain rule. Each component in the chain needs to be differentiable, and the product of derivatives along the chain is the final gradient (change) of the network parameter to be updated.

So to apply backpropagation to spiking neural networks, we have to evaluate the derivative of the spike function, and we immediately face a problem.

3. Spike Function ((blue star)) and its derivative ((blue star)')

The key challenge we face is that the derivative of the step function is infinite at the origin. Even worse, the derivative of the Dirac-Delta function is completely ill-defined – both positive and negative infinite at the same point!

Despite the issues, we know for a fact that the argument of the spike function, u(t), is continuous and differentiable and its output, s(t), is continuous. So perhaps we can go back to the first principles and try to evaluate, if not approximate, the spike function derivative.

The first attempts to backpropagate with spiking neurons [1] estimated the spike function derivative at the point of the spike event as

This formulation is in fact a consequence of the implicit function theorem and an exact derivative. The derivative is only defined at the time of the spike event and enables backpropagating errors only at those precise times.

Similarly, a straight-through estimation of the spike function was proposed in[2].

This formulation does enable gradient backpropagation even when the neuron does not spike. However, it does not distinguish between active membrane potentials that are close to spiking and the potentials that are far from spiking.

When we treat the spiking mechanism in the discrete time domain, the issues with the spike function derivative become more manageable. In discrete time the Dirac delta is 1 (not undefined) when the condition is met. The spike function simplifies to

and its derivative is

Note that the spike function is a point process, i.e., its output is dependent on u at that point in time only. The formulation of the spike function derivative above holds in the continuous time domain in a probabilistic sense.

Surrogate gradients

In non-spiking ANNs, the breakthrough for handling the step non-linearity of multilayer perceptrons was the use of the sigmoid function, which in the limit of time scaling becomes the Heaviside step function.

We cannot change the spiking mechanism, however, we can relax the step function for the purposes of gradient calculation and use that as a proxy. This proxy substitution of the step function gradient during backpropagation is the crux of surrogate gradient. Surrogate gradient methods have proven to be an effective way to train SNNs in recent years[3][4].

The same kind of surrogate gradient proxy can be derived by looking at the expectation of the spike state change [5] which turns out to be the spike escape rate of a probabilistic spiking neuron.

With surrogate gradients, what we are really doing is peeking around the spiking event portal and trying to capture as much information from the neighborhood points. It is like looking at the ripples when a raindrop falls on the lake to try and figure out the surface beneath.

Nascent Delta functions ϕ(⋅)

Different SNN training works have proposed and used different types of surrogate gradient functions. What kind of functions are potential surrogate functions? What are the necessary conditions? In the limit, the surrogate gradient functions need to converge to a Dirac delta function. Such a family of functions is called nascent delta functions ϕ(⋅).

The relaxation (τ) factor controls the smoothness of the surrogate gradient. The degree of relaxation depends on case to case. An illustration of the effect of the relaxation parameter is shown below.

It is typically beneficial to consider a wider reach when the neuron activity is sparse whereas when there is a burst of spiking activity, it can be beneficial to look at a sharper surrogate gradient formulation. Smaller τ has a selective response which is suitable for operating in the precise spike-time regime. On the other hand, larger τ has less discriminative power of spike-times, as a result, operates in spike rate regime.

The scale (α) of the surrogate gradient can be used to control the flow of the gradient to the input layer. The effect of different scales on surrogate gradient response is shown below.

The scale (α) controls the amount of gradient propagated to the previous layer. A small α results in a vanishing gradient whereas a large α results in exploding gradient. A proper α needs to be chosen for proper gradient flow to the previous layer. This is an extra ability that the surrogate gradient enables, although, it needs to be treated with care.

The form (ϕ) of the surrogate gradient that works best is typically a matter of hyperparameter tuning and network initialization. Just like we can choose different kinds of ANN activation functions in the specific network architecture and task, in principle, we can choose different surrogate gradient functions that suit the task.

Different surrogate gradients put emphasis on different properties for e.g., box function only focuses on voltages higher than a threshold, the d_sigmoid function squashes the high values close to threshold, the double exponential function puts emphasis on higher peaks and relaxes smaller values.

4. Key takeaways

In this blog, we looked at the spike function and the challenge it poses for training deep SNNs with backpropagation. I showed how an approximation of the spike function derivative using nascent delta functions successfully tackles the problem. Such surrogate gradients like these allow gradients to properly flow during backpropagation. The spike function, however, is not the only unique problem that needs to be tackled in training deep SNNs. We will delve into the other challenges in the next installment of this blog series.

  1. Bohte, S. M.; Kok, J. N. & La Poutré, J. A., SpikeProp: backpropagation for networks of spiking neurons. ESANN, 2000, 48, 17-37 ↩︎

  2. Lee, J. H.; Delbruck, T. & Pfeiffer, M., Training Deep Spiking Neural Networks Using Backpropagation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016, 10, 508 ↩︎

  3. Neftci, E. O.; Mostafa, H. & Zenke, F., Surrogate gradient learning in spiking neural networks. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2019, 36, 61-63 ↩︎

  4. Yin, B.; Corradi, F., Bohté & S. M., Accurate and efficient time-domain classification with adaptive spiking recurrent neural networks, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2021, 905-913 ↩︎

  5. Shrestha, S. B. & Orchard, G., SLAYER: Spike Layer Error Reassignment in Time. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, Curran Associates, Inc., 2018, 1412-1421 ↩︎

This blog is a part of the blog series on Deep learning with Spiking Neural Networks.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 @ 8:00-9:00am PT / 17:00-18:00 CET you are invited to attend an INRC Forum talk from Prof. Bruno Olshausen, University of California, Berkeley.

Computing with Dynamics

Abstract: Is the brain a computer?  Or is it a dynamical system?  While computation serves as a useful metaphor for cognitive processes, as we delve into the neuroanatomical circuits and physiological properties of brains we encounter structures and phenomena that seem foreign and unfamiliar in terms of standard computing models.  Highly recurrent circuits with massive interconnectivity, attractor dynamics, oscillations, traveling waves, and active sensing are all hallmarks of biological neural systems.  How do we make sense of these things in terms of “computation?”  Or are we working with the wrong metaphor?  Here I shall present a number of recent findings from neuroscience that challenge us to think in new ways about the underlying physical processes governing perception and cognition.


Bruno OIshausen is Professor of Neuroscience and Optometry at the University of California, Berkeley.  He also serves as Director of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, an interdisciplinary research group focusing on mathematical and computational models of brain function.  He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Computation and Neural Systems from the California Institute of Technology.  Prior to Berkeley he was a member of the Departments of Psychology and Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior at UC Davis.  During postdoctoral work with David Field at Cornell he developed the sparse coding model of visual cortex which provides a linking principle between natural scene statistics and the response properties of visual neurons.  Olshausen's current research aims to understand the information processing strategies employed by the brain for doing tasks such as object recognition and scene analysis.  This work seeks not only to advance our understanding of the brain, but also to discover new algorithms for scene analysis based on how brains work.


Computing with Dynamics - Bruno Olshausen INRC Forum.mp4

See the full INRC Forum Spring 2023 Schedule.

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